Brussels Moves to Enhance European Supervisory Agencies

Shearman & Sterling has released a new report on changes proposed by the Commission with regards to strengthening the powers of European Supervisory Agencies like ESMA, the EBA, and EIOPA. Some of the more interesting tidbits: ESAs will be required … Continue Reading

Fintech Week coverage by Georgetown Law

Georgetown has released a story on Fintech Week, for which IIEL is grateful!  Other posts have covered the event as well. We’ll be posting the pictures from the event soon.

DTCC releases new white paper on fintech and financial stability

The DTCC released a new white paper exploring Fintech and Financial Stability.  I found the article very compelling, and frankly in line with research I’ve been conducting myself.  Among the top risks, as spelled out in the press release: The … Continue Reading

Two possible trends in securities law and fintech

More than a couple of people have mentioned the relative low profile of the SEC in the nation’s fintech debates.  The OCC, for example, has released its fintech charter program; the CFTC in turn has its new LabCFTC initiative; even … Continue Reading

Land Grant Universities as Globalization-Equalizers among Regions in the US

The Economist has an interesting article out on, among other things, globalization’s tendency to exacerbate economic disparities within countries—not just among earners, but also between geographic regions.  How to deal with the problem in the United States, the article argues, … Continue Reading

Thoughts on the Treasury Department’s Direction on International Regulatory Coordination

I’ve been busy (to put it mildly) with Fintech Week, but I did take some time to peruse the Treasury Department’s new report on financial regulation.  It really is an interesting document, and deserves a read, in part since it … Continue Reading

China Bond Connect Workshop Today

SIFMA is sponsoring a workshop today on China’s Bond Connect program, where yours truly will be moderating what I think will be a fascinating discussion on where the initiative stands in a changing interest rate (and currency) environment.  The workshop … Continue Reading

(Tentative) Cross Border Agreement on Derivatives Reached

Regulators in the EU and US are mutually recognizing derivatives rules in anticipation of Mifid II: The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the European Commission (EC) said they had formally committed to treat each others’ rules as equivalent … Continue Reading

My Renminbi Paper Is Out (Just in Time for a SIFMA Workshop on the China Bond Connect)

The newest issue of the Journal of International Economic Law, for which I am Co-Editor in Chief, was just released this week.  Among the articles is my completed working paper the Renminbi and Systemic Risk.  As I head to a … Continue Reading

Yours truly will be interviewing PayPal CEO Dan Schulman and Representative McHenry on the State of Fintech…

…tomorrow from 1:15-2:15pm here in DC, at the Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2075. There are plenty of things going on the space, from the new fintech bill to concerns about government and private sector cyber hacking and infrastructure security.  I … Continue Reading