Updated Full Schedule via Fintech Week Website
Space will be limited – RSVP Here
In a world of rapidly evolving innovation and regulation, precious few opportunities are afforded market participants, regulators and academic thought-leaders to seriously discuss, discover, and debate changes in the financial ecosystem, and what they mean for consumers and investors.
Georgetown University’s Institute of International Economic Law (IIEL), Thomson Reuters and the NEX Group are proud to announce the first annual Fintech Week, October 18-20, 2017. During Fintech Week, thought leaders from fintech firms across the country–from PayPal and Amazon to OnDeck, and from Ripple and R3 to Cloud 9 Technologies and beyond–will describe their business, and explain how their services intersect with markets for a Washington, DC audience consisting of policymakers, market participants, academics, lawyers, and regulators.
The concept is simple. During off-the-record, press-free sessions at Georgetown, panelists will be asked to: 1) explain their firm’s technology and services in a manner understandable to thoughtful laymen; and then 2) describe how that technology is designed to operate either within or compared to other financial intermediaries, and what prospects their technology has to disrupt or enable the financial services ecosystem. Top-level leaders at key regulatory agencies will offer daily keynotes, which will be open to the press. The updated program and confirmed speakers roster are available on the program website. We also expect to make CLE credit available for some of the panels.
Fintech Week comprises the latest in a series of events IIEL has hosted to provide a forum for educating attorneys and market participants about the developments in financial technology. It was at a December 2016 IIEL event, that then-Comptroller of the Currency Thomas J. Curry unveiled the OCC’s fintech chartering program.
Fintech Week has already generated an enormous amount of interest from both market participants and regulators. By design, space will be limited. If you would like to attend, please RSVP here.